Monday 30 May 2011

*pokes my feet*

Poor feet... My poor, miserable feet... NOT TO MENTION MY TOES! *curses* Woke up this morning feeling all awesome till... *faces the wall* [myoclonus] *kicks the wall* CRAP!! And all of a sudden, there's two new holes on my toes... And and... BLOOD... *faints*

Anyways... How long has it been since I last went hiking? Well... 3 hours ago, to be exact... o.O
And my dad just HAD to choose a sipek sipek steep hill... It was none other than the hill opposite IICP, my college... Damn was it strenuous... Leg cramp tomorrow morning? Here I come! @@

Note : For those dumbasses who don't know what myoclonus is... (I was just kidding about that... xD)
Myoclonus - A brief, involuntary twitching of the muscles
That's one extra general knowledge for you! Better thank me for that now... LOL *signing off*

Tuesday 24 May 2011

Title says it all...

WTF... WTF... WTF... I think my old account got hacked... can't access it at all... >.<"
Anyways, I guess I'll be sticking to this one for a while, IF it doesn't get freaking hacked by brainless beings on the surface of the Earth... *pokes everybody*