Tuesday 28 June 2011

*peeks at paper* [17/20] huh? o.O *rubs eyes* [17/20] what the... *slaps myself* [17/20] OH... EM... GEE!!! I PASSED!!! I FUDGING PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!! OMG OMG OMG, I'M SOOOOO HAPPY!!! WHEE~ Now my Myvi won't be lonely and depressed anymore! *tries to hug* Urgh, too big... But I still love you... *tries to hug again* <3 TEEHEE~ *signing off*

Saturday 25 June 2011


I wanna pass my driving test this Tuesday... If I pass my driving test then I can bring my friends "KAI KAI"... NO!! NO NO!! I WILL pass my driving test this Tuesday!! My very own Myvi has been awaiting its owner for such a long period of time... It's starting to feel left out, I can sense it... DON'T WORRY MY DEAREST CAR! Daddy's coming to get you! Oh btw, my voice is kinda sexy right now... Could it be from too much exposure to the sun yesterday? Hmmm... I wonder how am I gonna do this... Aights, here goes nothing... TEEHEE~~~ I did my best... T.T *signing off*

Tuesday 21 June 2011


How can I even fail my fudging driving test?? But this time I've only myself to blame on this matter... I mean, I passed the hill, parking and 3 point turn... BUT I FAILED ON THE ROAD!!! And to think that I actually remembered to pull the hand brake when stopping at the traffic light this time around!! Only to realize that I forgot to release it when the light turned green... Not to mention entering the wrong lane when turning... FML! ZZZZZ...

Wednesday 15 June 2011

Love... What does it actually mean?

Would you believe me if I were to say that love can bring both joy and misery at the same time? Would you believe me if I were to tell you that just one glance of that special girl, never will I forget her for the rest of my life? Would you believe me if I were to say that you will one day feel like you love and hate someone at the same moment? Love is extraordinary, something so foreign that nobody can ever describe it in detail. One thing's for sure, listening about it is never the same as experiencing it first-handedly. Sometimes, I do feel that the word is abused and perhaps, overused, that its value is lost between lines. Let me just start by asking, what is love? Yeah... What exactly is love? Well, if you look up the dictionary, it states that love is a deep, passionate feeling for someone or something. But I guess each and everyone has their own definition of love. Honestly, I don't really know how to define it myself. To most, in our teenage lives, love simply means having a significant other, to be able to talk to when we're happy or sad, to be able to hold someone else's hand in the cinema.
That was love to me before, but not anymore. Now, I believe that love is a great thing not many had the chance to experience. Those who had will definitely agree with me. But like everything else in this world, there's the pros and, of course, there's the cons. Nothing is perfect, as the saying goes. When you do find true love, hurt never fails to tag along. It's like they're destined to be together for eternity.
Have you ever loved someone and be loved by him/her all in one? Isn't that an awesome feeling? But what happens when one's feeling fades away, leaving only a single party giving 100% commitment while the other only gives a miniscule proportion of... love? Pure hurt comes when you feel your heart shattering each and every time you say "I Love You". You start to drift apart, thinking when the day is going to arrive. The day he/she finally says "We're not meant for each other" or "I don't want to do this anymore". When facing those questions, you ask yourself, should I confess how much I love him/her? Pleadingly beg for a second chance? Apologize for the mistakes you never commited? Or just, simply let go and maybe, get the chance to move on. Telling yourself if you truly love that particular person, you only want him/her to be happy and don't mind going through the pain. You know something? True love is painful and requires numerous sacrifices for your other half. Whatever it is you might say, from my point of view, love is sucking out the pain, sorrow, agony of your loved one and injecting it all into yourself. Just by seeing that special person smile, don't you think it's worth all the pain?
For those of you who have had your heart ripped before, the pain is excruciating, no doubts about that. But are you going to go through the rest of your life just like that? With your heart out of your chest and having a bad day, one after another? If you were to ask me, well, that's how I will be. It actually depends on how your past relationships were like. If you have loved the other like you'll never love again, it could make you feel like you're going insane. That is how cruel life can sometimes be.
Try to think of happier times. The moments that you will never forget. Reminisce. Were tears that evaporated from your cheeks worth it? I've got to admit, although difficult, but yes. Every second of it was worthwhile. It is this simple - someone dear was sent by God to meet your needs for a reason and both of you get together. But when the flames are forced to perish, only sweet memories will be left to cherish. Finally, you realize that to mend a broken heart is just a matter of time, to set yourself free and release that bind. In the end, still wounded and scarred, you muster up your courage to accept that it was never meant to be.
In conclusion, take pictures, joke around, laugh, and love like you've never been hurt whenever you get yourself into a relationship. Don't ever hesitate to give your 100% to that special someone because without giving your fullest, you will never achieve true happiness. Look beyond sadness, look at the brighter side of things. Every sixty seconds you spend staying upset and hurt is a minute of happiness you'll never get back in return.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Nice Guys =3

As spotted in a comment on Nice Guys by Ryan Higa, Kevin Wu and Chester See...

Judge : Tell me, Ms. Replay. Where did Mr. Arrow click you?
Replay : Here!!! [gestures entire body] *cries*
Judge : And how many times did you say he clicked you?
Replay : Over 9000 times, your honor!!!
Judge : And what do you have to say, Mr. Arrow?
Arrow : Dude, I told you already... I only clicked on her, maybe, 10 times?
Judge : Mr. Arrow, you're going to internet prison for an entire year.
Arrow : Damn it!! How am I supposed to do my job now??
Me : Where the fuck is my arrow??!!

*signing off*

Friday 10 June 2011

*stares blankly into open space*

Awesome sheez... Shortest sleeping time thy had after attending college... Less than 4 hours... Credits to?? Malaysian Studies , more commonly known as MPW , assignment... GOD DAMN IT!! Okay , trust thee on this , thy art not pissed... Thy art too drowsy to get pissed... @@ And thee shall be a zombie for today... For thou oust see thee blobbing around aimlessly... [ Brains..... Brains.....] *signing off*

Wednesday 8 June 2011

Smokers , go eat POO POO!!!

I don't wanna sound rude or whatsoever but... FUCK YOU, DAMNED SMOKERS!!! o0o I completely understand that your life means nothing to you at all... But what about other people around you??? Have you ever stopped and pondered regarding this question??? Take me for instance , I less-than-3 my life a lot!!!
[ Okay , fine... Not exactly that much , but still it's a hell lot more than how you guys are towards your own life!!! ]
Come on , haven't you guys heard that secondhand smoke is more hazardous than whatever shit you're inhaling into your lungs??? Oh wait... I guess not , judging from the fact that you guys actually STARTED doing this shit and worse still , CONTINUED doing it... One word... WHATTHEHELLWEREYOUTHINKING???
So the next time you put one of that fucked up sticks into your puny mouth , just bear in mind what I'm about to say... Don't destroy other people's lives all because you don't cherish your own...
*signing off to rid lungs of smoke accumulated since morning*

Tuesday 7 June 2011

FML... FML...

Why does everybody come looking for me when they're facing problems regarding love matters? Give me a break , why don't you? I can't even manage my own love life , and yet I'm helping others out in theirs... For what? For whom do i owe gratitude to? For what should I continue doing all these things? For what? FOR WHAT? People tell me to believe in KARMA... WELL , FUCK KARMA THEN! I've been doing good stuff for others all my life , not only in their love life... And what do I get in return? Shit! Pure bullshit! All the pain I've endured all this while... Is it all worth it? Being rejected once after another... FML... Just FML... *signing off*

WHY??? *dies*

All the things I've studied for... All the time wasted on studying the things I've studied for... WHY WON'T YOU COME OUT ON THE TEST??? *punches test papers* You suck platypus shit!!! *kicks papers in the balls* You really make me feel like there's totally no use for me to study at all!! Without advanced notice, i entered a whole new domain...
[ Not exactly that new to ME apparently ]
HAHA! Just kidding! But seriously... Triple FML!! >.<
*signing off*

Sunday 5 June 2011

What a day... @@

Morning : Driving practical for the first time at Melati Driving Centre...

Afternoon : Went McD to tapau nuggets for Kiam Hu... Went CGL to help out on their gateway... Went back to McD to "STUDY" for stats test tomorrow... *to be continued*

Night : *continuation* Studied till around 10? Walked a "tracker" back home, rain started pouring, "tracker's" mum fetched me home...

CURRENTLY : Waiting for my doom... Who's attending my funeral tomorrow? X.X *signing off to dig my own grave*

Thursday 2 June 2011


Am I? Or am I not? I'm..... I guess I'm just confused... I don't even know what my feelings are currently... I'm... Lost...
Come on, people... Stop making things hard for me... I don't mind you guys teasing me and whatnot but, at least spare her? It'll be fine if she has feelings for me, BUT what if she doesn't??? Bye bye friendship, that's what will happen... I... I... *sighs* *signing off*